June 2023


Peak Day Management and BPE’s Peak Notification Service

As mentioned in last week’s blog, the ISO defines your capacity costs – Managing your usage at these times is crucial to lowering costs on your bills.  There are steps you can take to curtail your usage during peak demand times (usually the hottest days of the year) so your capacity tag reads a significantly

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Managing Capacity Costs this Summer

Summer is officially here and with that comes heat and more electricity usage for your business. Did you know that curtailing your usage on certain summer days, for only a couple of hours can reduce your annual energy spend? – That is why it is very important to look at when your energy is used.

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What is The ISO?

You may hear your Energy Advisor refer to the ISO – Independent System Operator. The ISO is a non-profit organization authorized by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) responsible for managing and operating the electric grid for a specific region.     At Best Practice Energy we serve various ISOs, including: ISO-NE – New England

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Timing the Market

With so many factors having an influence on energy prices, how do you identify optimal buying opportunities?

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